Monday, April 18, 2011

One Month Left (But Who's Counting?)

Between our summit project, classes, and other extra curriculars, the month of April has been an extremely busy one. Although the spring semester always seems to be an extremely busy one, our group has found time to continue our work at Boyd Elementary in some new and exciting ways.  While we generally do more hands on work at Boyd, this month has mostly been geared towards planning and preparations for some of the big events we are going to hold in the next couple of weeks. Amongst these things we have been planning for is our biggest, most exciting event: the Green Carnival we will be hosting at Boyd.  At this Carnival we will be coordinating with Boyd faculty and staff to maximize the amount of time that kids will be able to come out onto the playground and participate in all of the exciting booths we set up. From recycled crafts to planting plants, we hope that the Green Carnival will be a fun, interactive way to teach the kids at Boyd how to be a bit greener, and how to have fun doing so.
Over the past month one of the most difficult issues our group has run into is coordinating times that work for the whole group to plan for the Green Carnival.  We have partnered with a group from Central High School who will be working with us to make the Green Carnival a success. While this partnership has been extremely helpful in delegating all of the work that needs to be done, it has been frustrating trying to coordinate times to meet with them since they are limited to meeting right after their school gets out at 3:00 pm.  IN spite of this, however, different members of our group who are free at that time have been very committed to going over for every meeting and working to get everything lined up.
As far as the rest of this semester is concerned, the Green Carnival will be our biggest project, but we also have some smaller, fun events to set up too. Amongst these is a fun little community project going on this Sunday where our group is meeting with Paula Tindell, a woman from the Springfield community who works to maintain a memorial garden at Phelps Grove Park.  Working with Ms. Tindell, our group will be buying and planting flowers in memory of victims of crimes in Springfield. Along with this, our group will be doing a Summit Social here in the next couple weeks, more details to to follow on that so stay tuned!

Happy April!!
Anna Regan

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