This February at Summit we decided to incorporate Valentine's Day into the activities we had planned out for the children at Boyd. We went shopping at Target for around 50 Forget-Me-Nots and other cute flower pots, and also some organic candy bars to reward the children after our presentation. We went to a Fifth Grade class where the kids were a lot older a lot more mature than the Second graders we were used to having. We divided them into groups, and the kids and my group seemed so smart and funny whenever I asked them questions about pollution, recycling, and why it is important to be Green. They gave creative answers on ways to recycle that I had never had thought of before, like recycling hair for dolls, recycling leather and fabric, and all these things that I hadn't even thought of. I could tell these kids came from families that took on the responsibility of being Green in their households very seriously. Afterwards, we shared the results with the class, and we gave them the Forget-Met-Nots along with the organic candy bars. It was a sweet and green way to celebrate Valentine's Day.
As for recycling in Summit, it's been great! We've kept on track and a list of who's turn it is to recycle, and I've made it to the list a few times... I am very proud. With the Green Carnival coming along and organizations like the Garden Club helping us, it's going to be a very successful culmination of ThinkGreen at Boyd.
- Monica Rivera