Not only is today a great day because it's FRIDAY of HALLOWEEN WEEKEND, big things are in store for the Green Team at Boyd Elementary today. While our project has been off to a bit of a slow start, this past month has showed an increase of activity. Most recently our Summit House got the opportunity to first engage with the Green Team for this year's activities at a community garden event hosted at the garden accross the street from Cox North. This garden is one of many that are locally designed and maintained by a Springfield resident who is hoping to improve Springfield's green produce availability and to reinstill a degree of community activity through gardening initiatives connected with different elementary schools around Springfield. This project has proved to be a fantastic plug in for the Green Team at Boyd due to its convenient location and the ability of kids to do kid-friendly tasks like pulling weeds and hauling weeds to the compost section of the garden. Working against the setting sun and Attention Deficit Disorder (weed picking is only fun for approximately 5 minutes to the average 8 year old), our group was able to help prepare the garden for the frigid winter ahead!
Along with our garden efforts, our group is looking forward to heading over to Boyd today for a crafting extravaganza during recess with all ages of kids. As Desiree's post shows below we will be making mini Frankensteins from recyclable materials along with mini bird feeders made from pine cones, peanut butter, and bird seed. Each of these crafts will reinforce for the kids that using recyclable materials is not only FUN, but is also a way to better utilize recyclable objects as opposed to just throwing them out.
Also- after our crafting activities today, our group is looking forward to beginning our in class initiative on green presentations. These presentations will be catered to match the curriculum already in place for the month or week, and will tie in Green facts which will then seem a little more relevant to each kiddo. This month we will be covering exciting topics such as the water cycle and will bring in crafts and games to help the kids better understand the material we are presenting. Overall, we are looking forward to the next couple months with increased activity at Boyd and hope to have a good turnout today at recess.
Happy Halloween and see you guys tonight!
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